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Explore the area with Google Maps by using the link below and following the accompanying instructions

Find out more about specific facilities, places and the region by using the 'Other useful links' section that follows it. 

Google maps,-0.8058075,98m/data=!3m1!1e3?hl=en


Just press the following link and it will take you to the aerial view of Villa 50. Then in Google Maps you can adjust the scale (bottom right, + and -) with the cursor to see more or less of the surrounding area. Move the map around by positioning the cursor on the map with your mouse or touch pad and holding down with a left click. Now when you move the cursor the map moves. Centre the map on what you want to look at and release the left click. Then you can expand right up to the maximum scale  (using + and -) and you'll see all the detail. Try centring on Los Belones, expand to maximum scale and then how numerous the restaurants are will be clear (even so, they are not all shown!)

Other useful links


Tel: +44 (0)7976 708 540

Villa 50, Calle de la Tosca, 30389 Cartagena, Murcia, Spain

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